back to Social Justice Film Series
Film Screening
When: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 7 pm.
Where: Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta, 12 Ford Ave. Oneonta, NY .
A close-up look at the dangers of hydrofracking, and a call to action.
In this Oscar-nominated documentary, director Josh Fox journeys across America to examine the negative effects of natural-gas drilling, from poisoned water sources to kitchen sinks that burst into flames to unhealthy animals and people. The film has won numerous awards, including the Sundance Film Festival Special Jury Prize and an Emmy for the director, and has received many positive reviews (see the film website below).
Discussion and refreshments follow the film.
Child care is available by calling the UUSO office at 607 432-3491 by Thursday, Mar 22.
Sponsored by the Social Action Committee as part of the Unitarian Universalist Society's Thoughtful Tuesdays.
Pass information about this event along to others.
Poster and flyer
Gasland main website:
HBO documentary:
Gas industry responses and attacks on the film:
"Debunking Gasland":
"The Truth about Gasland":
Josh Fox defense and counter-response: "Affirming Gasland":
Additional films to be announced.
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