Photo of Philipp K. Stern, visiting Poconos cabin, fall 1984.

Photographed from slide.

Philipp K. Stern click here for medium size photo (945x630 pixels)

click here for full resolution photo (3780x2520 pixels)
(this may take some time to load)

Note: in some web browsers, when you click the links above, the photos will load but they will be reduced in size to fit on the screen. In that case you may have to click a plus sign (in recent versions of Internet Explorer, your cursor becomes a floating plus sign and you click that) or follow other procedures to get your browser to display the photo full size. To be sure a photo is being displayed full size, right-click on it and select "Properties." The dimensions shown should match those given above. After the photo is displayed full size, right-click and select "Save Picture As" to save it to your computer.

