vom Saal family genealogy - church records from Germany

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The photos below are scans or photographs of documents we believe were gathered in Germany in the late 1800's by a person hired by Dr. F. C. von Heppenheim vom Saal. The documents shown in this album are all ones that have church seals on them. We believe they may be copies of church records, certified by the appropriate church seal. They are organized by the name of the city shown on the seal, and the date of the information contained in the document. We will be attempting to translate at least some of these documents.

To facilitate translation, clicking on any photo below will lead to a larger version, and another link to a high resolution copy of the photo.

This album has links to HALF SIZE original files. The high resolution files in this album are typically 1530 x 2102 pixels, so the files are typically about 1 MB files. A companion album has links to the full size high resolution files. We also have a translation of these records and some notes on observations and conclusions based on these translations.

As of January 2009, the documents in these photos are currently in the posession of Walter vom Saal.

Album Album Album created 1/15/2009 and updated 3/2/2009, 3/8/2009, and 11/21/2010. Album contains 29 photos.
resized_Biebesheim 1786=Scan096.jpg Church record from Biebeshbeim dated 1786.
resized_Biebesheim 1791=Scan097.jpg Church record from Biebeshbeim dated 1791. Guess: this may be Johann Peter Heppenheim, 29 April, son, Jan 30, wife Elizabeth Margareth (?), Johennes Heppenheimer, Miller. Note in margin : someone died 5 March 1870.
resized_Biebesheim 1798=Scan098.jpg Church record from Biebeshbeim dated 1798.
resized_Biebesheim 1800=Scan099.jpg Church record from Biebeshbeim dated 1800.
resized_Biebesheim 1816 p1=Scan100.jpg Church record from Biebeshbeim dated 1816. Page 1 of 2.
resized_Biebesheim 1816 p2=Scan101.jpg Church record from Biebeshbeim dated 1816. Page 2 of 2.
resized_Biebesheim 1821=Scan102.jpg Church record from Biebeshbeim dated 1821.
resized_Crumstadt 1821+1825 p1=Scan104.jpg Church record from Crumstadt dated 1821 + 1825. Page 1 of 2.
resized_Crumstadt 1821+1825 p2=Scan105.jpg Church record from Crumstadt dated 1821 + 1825. Page 2 of 2.
resized_Crumstadt 1826=Scan103.jpg Church record from Crumstadt dated 1826.
resized_Darmstadt 1645=Scan106.jpg Church record from Darmstadt, 1645. Note: this is the only seal that says HESS at the bottom right of the seal instead of HESSEN
resized_Oberamstadt 1607=Scan107.jpg Church record from Oberamstadt dated 1607.
resized_Pfungstadt 1688=Scan108.jpg

Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1688.

Note: the high-resolution file for this record was replaced 3/8/2009 with a new photo that includes the entire document. (The version initially scanned was cut off at the bottom.)

resized_Pfungstadt 1711-1=Scan109.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1711 item #1.
resized_Pfungstadt 1711-2=Scan110.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1711 item #2.
resized_Pfungstadt 1718+1721 etc =Scan114.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt with several dates, includng 1718, 1721, 1723,1725.
resized_Pfungstadt 1718+1721 etc bottom=Scan115.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt with several dates, includng 1718, 1721, 1723,1725: bottom of document.
resized_Pfungstadt 1718=Scan112.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1718.
resized_Pfungstadt 1729=Scan113.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1729.
resized_Pfungstadt 1731 p1=Scan117.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1731, page 1 of 2.
resized_Pfungstadt 1731 p2=Scan118.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1731, page 2 of 2.
resized_Pfungstadt 1748=Scan119.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1748.
resized_Pfungstadt 1748=Scan120.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1748, 1767, etc.
resized_Pfungstadt 1761=Scan121.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1761.
resized_Pfungstadt 1797=Scan122.jpg Church record from Pfungstadt dated 1797.
resized_Stockstadt 1837=Scan123.jpg Church record from Stockstadt dated 1837.
resized_Stockstadt 1876=Scan124.jpg Church record from Stockstadt dated 1876.
resized_unknown church 1718 p1=Scan125.jpg

Unknown church record containing date 1718, outside of document.
Seal may say Eberstadt.

resized_unknown church 1718 p2=Scan126.jpg Unknown church record containing date 1718, inside of document.
