back to Social Justice Film Series
About the film
This enormously powerful documentary chronicles Monsanto’s race to spread genetically modified food and to take over food production throughout the world. |
Monsanto has produced some of the most toxic products ever sold, including PCBs and Agent Orange. The company’s controversial past includes misleading reports, pressure tactics, collusion, and attempted corruption. Exposing secret documents with first-hand accounts by victims, scientists, and politicians, this widely praised film exposes why Monsanto’s frightening strategy profoundly threatens our health, environment, and economy. |
Unitarian Universalist Society of Oneonta
12 Ford Ave. Oneonta, NY
Tuesday, January 24th at 7:00 p.m.
There will be discussion and refreshments. Informational materials will be available along with actions that can be taken to fight this threat.
Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Society’s Social Action Committee as part of UU Thoughtful Tuesdays.
Child care will be provided if requested. Call Robin at the UUSO office (432-3491) during office hours (Mon.-Thurs. 9-2) the week before the film is shown. Indicate the ages of the children needing care. Those who request child care should plan to arrive by 6:45 pm.
For more information about this event contact: Suzanne Miller at or Suzanne Miller and Walter vom Saal at 607-432-1316.
Links to the poster
see instructions for viewing and printing below
Poster with color photo:
poster as pdf file
poster as Microsoft Word document (docx file, for newer versions of Microsoft Word)
poster as Microsoft Word document (doc file, for older versions of Microsoft Word)
Searching the web will produce literally thousands of pages of information related to the issues raised in this video. Here are just a few:
More information from the producers of The World According to Monsanto video:
Institute for Responsible Technology:
Seeds of Deception website:
Seeds of Deception TAKE ACTION page:
Letters and Petitions:
Letter to grocery stores regarding genetically modified foods
Letter to restaurant owners regarding genetically modified foods
Petition to President Obama on requiring labelling of all genetically modified foods
Organic Consumers Association website and newsletter with news, events, and actions regarding organically modified food and related issues. They describe themselves this way: "The OCA deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics. We are the only organization in the US focused on promoting the views and interests of the nation's estimated 76 million organic and socially responsible consumers."
This site describes various actions whose goal is to increase awareness of GMO's and increase food safety. For exampe, the planned protest at Monsanto on the day we are showing this film is here.
ABC News report on "indoor pollution threat you may not have known existed."
This report describes an investigation of a child's nursery that revealed hundreds of chemicals released by new furniture and paint. Includes a set of suggestions and guidelines to reduce the harmeful exposure to these chemicals.
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Additional films to be announced
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To view these files:
To see either file, click on the link and wait for the file to load. Your web browser should open and the file should load. It will take several seconds for the image file to load, and even longer for the pdf file to load, since these are large files. The pdf file requires Adobe Acrobat Viewer to view; most computers have that program on it.
To save these files on your computer:To save an image file: after the image is showing on your screen, right-click on the image and select “Save image as…” and then specify where you want the image saved on your computer.
To save a pdf, Microsoft Publisher, or Microsft Word files: after the image is showing on your screen in Adobe Acrobat, there should be an icon near the top left of your screen that says “save a copy” when you hover your cursor over it. Click the icon, then specify where you want the file saved on your computer.
To print these files:Each of the files also may be printed using the appropriate print icons or commands for that file after you have opened it.