Photo Albums - General Photos
Photos by Walter vom Saal
updated October 20, 2011
[For other albums, see home page]
Unless there is a notice to the contrary, all photos on this site are ©Walter vom Saal. They may be copied or printed for private use. Please respect the copyright, and, where appropriate, please attribute the source.
For best viewing, start by pressing F11 to expand your viewing window to its maximum size. Then select an album to view by clicking the link next to it. Viewing an album is relatively straightforward but you may click here for more complete instructions if desired. Additional technical information also is available on things like file sizes, resolutions, filename codes, camera settings, and printing.
Album Description (most recent at top) |
album |
technical notes |
Mountain Brauhaus Schuhplattlers |
html album prepared in Adobe Lightoom. Flash album prepared in Adobe Lightroom. In some systems, the first photo may not be centered correctly. If so, reload the page by clicking the Forward and Back buttons. |
Hot Air Balloons at Neahwa Park, Oneonta, NY, September 5, 2009. | Maximum photo size is 860 wide or 600 high |
Former home of Frederick H. vom Saal, M.D., Yonkers, NY, February 14, 2009 | Maximum photo size is 860 wide or 600 high |
Montezuma Wildlife Refuge, near Syracuse, NY, March 27, 2008 |
Maximum photo size is 960 x 616 |
LBI rental property: photos taken May 2007 of 1077-A Long Beach Boulevard, North Beach, Long Beach Island, rented for June 30 - July 7, 2007. | slide show with annotations: large photos medium photos |
Both shows have small thumbnails with no annotations,
but annotations on the large pictures. Be sure to press F11 before
viewing to see the full photo plus annotation. Select large
photos (960 x 616) if your screen resolution is enough to see the photos
along with the notes at the bottom; otherwise select medium
photos (640 x 480). |
Oneonta Farmer's Market, October 1, 2005. Customer Appreciation Day at the farmer's market on Main Street, Oneonta, NY. | Maximum photo size is 880x660. |
Nature in Oneonta, NY, fall 2005. Deer in our yard and a crane on the Susquehanna | Photos are 640x480. |
Albany Tulip Festival, May 2004, Photos of flowers. | Smaller photos are 640x480, larger photos are 880x660. |
LBI rental property: photos taken in April 2004 of house rented for July 3-10, 2004. Click here for driving directions. |
large thumbnails (320x240) linked
to medium photos (640x480). In this album, both the thumbnails and
the large photos have annotations. |