Photography computer programs
Lightroom (some notes on Lightroom)
ThumbsPlus (some notes on ThumbsPlus)
ThumbsPlus versus Lightroom (includes some features ThumbsPlus has that I wish Lightroom had)
Migrating from ThumbsPlus to Lightroom. Detailed procedures for moving photos from ThumbsPlus to Lightroom. Includes:
- how to transfer Keywords from ThumbsPlus to Lightroom.
- how to transfer Annotations in ThumbsPlus to Captions in Lightroom.
- how to transfer Galleries in ThumbsPlus to Collections in Lightroom.
Some details on ThumbsPlus
Web albums in ThumbsPlus. How I used ThumbsPlus to create templates for web albums that include links to full-resolution files.
Annotations, Captions, and Comments on Photos in ThumbsPlus.
Strange behavior in ThumbsPlus relating to the interaction between IPTC Captions and JPEG Comment fields. (This is part of the page above on Annotations, Captions, and Comments.)
Some technical stuff
Metadata in image files. ThumbsPlus transfers comments to metadata in GIF and PNG files. IrfanView does not display metadata from GIF and PNG files.
Some possible forums to post questions about Lightroom and ThumbsPlus
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